
Happy birthday, Vanessa!

Went to school to celebrate advance National Day today!
Wore boyfriend's jersey because that's my favourite red shirt. 

We had no lessons today so I thought that actually it's kinda stupid to wake up and 8am just to celebrate National Day till 12pm. Took photos under the hot sun because the lighting is good!

Wanted to skip school today but because of something I couldn't give it a miss.
It's Vanessa's birthday today! Stayed back after school to celebrate with this baby seal. :-)

Did my powerpoint slides for cmb after that and we went to Somerset to shop!
Birthday girl bought us cupcakes to give us on her birthday. So sweet of her! I got to choose and I chose the red velvet cupcake because there's a cute heart on the top! Cuteness! 
They looked so pretty! But I only finished half of the cupcake. It's too big for me hehe.
I love baking but I don't really love eating them to be honest.

Kept the "Twelve cupcakes" box because it's HOT PINK omg!!
This shade of pink is one of my favourite pink colours. SO MUCH LOVE! 

And before that we went to shop around too!
I have new clothes again! So happy to have new clothes. Love seeing my closet full with NEW CLOTHES.
Gonna save money money again for other stuff! 

Self note: clean the mirror when you're free Lisa Ng.

Starting to love neon colours! The skull top is actually neon orange (without filters) and I bought a neon pink belt too!
Love days like this where I'm happy just getting what I want, doing my own thing.

Will be going out tomorrow with boyfriend to watch the fireworks!
Hopefully everything will go well too just like today. /
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  1. Hi Lisa! :)
    I just stumbled upon your blog.
    I like your pictures.
    You are so pretty. & skinny (i'm jealous). ^^

  2. HI BABE! haha i'm in love with neon colours too hehe and you look pretty as usual!! ;)


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